Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Celebrate Black History Month:Collard Greens and Gluten-Free Cornbread

Collard Greens and cornbread is some of the best eating I can do. Since I have deleted gluten from my eating regiment I went in search of Gluten-free cornbread.  There are three ways I found that I can satisfy my need for cornbread: 1) Make it myself or 2) Find a dry mix 3) Find prepared gluten-free cornbread in the store or bakery section.  I have tried one of the above so far and that is using a dry mix. 

Bob's Red Mill has a wide variety of flours and meals that are gluten-free.

I found also their pancake mix to be very good.  I was not much of a bread eater anyway, but every now and then I want some bread. I also discovered a cook who said to keep the batter from being so dense, add butter to the batter.

Collard greens and cornbread are not just for Black History Month or special holidays, they are great together any day! Here is a list of the nutritional values of Collard Greens:

Nutritional Analysis of Collard Greens (boiled, drained, no salt)

Good points

Recently a friend of mine who grows collards in their backyard, took some greens and sliced the leaves thinly and put them in a raw salad. Awesome!  Try it sometime!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gluten-Free Cookbook - Valentine's Day Recipes

Cherry Almond Tart

I found this cookbook full of gluten-free, low glycemic recipes for diabetics and allergy sufferers.
In demand by food sensitive people. This Cookbook is gluten-free, low-glycemic, allergy-aware with meat, vegetarian and vegan options throughout. There isn't another product like it on or offline! Yes, it's unique! **Currently on Sale 2-4-11 to 2-14-11

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Avoid Dense Batter When Using Gluten Free Flour

Tips on Using Gluten Free Flour

The density of the batter can be thick and gooey when you use Gluten Free flour in a recipe.

I am sharing a short video that will show you how to avoid this density.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

5 Flabbergastingly Good Reasons to Give Up Gluten

I found a great blog that lists 5 Good Reasons to Give up Gluten
Also there is a great recipe included in this post.

5 Flabbergastingly Good Reasons to Give Up Gluten


Glenda the Good Foodie

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All Veggie Burgers are NOT Created Equal

The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet: 101 Globally Inspired Vegan Creations Packed with Fresh Flavors and Exciting New Tastes
I recently decided to take soy and gluten out of my eating plan.  I did some research and discovered that gluten is a huge source of inflammation in your body and soy is a steroid.  Soy is super processed, so I had to STOP that and begin to read my labels even more closely than before.  I read all of the labels of the veggie burgers I had been eating and the ingredients almost always included soy or soy protein or gluten or essential gluten.  So I began the hunt for a soyless and gluten-free veggie burger.  And I found one  and I want you to look at the chart and listen to this video.
Asheraf’s Brand.  My next task is to get it in the stores where I shop.
Stay tuned.